

This website is designed to help you best utilize the textbook by George W. Norton, Jeffrey Alwang, and William A. Masters: Economics of Agricultural Development: World Food Systems and Resource Use, Routledge Press (3rd and 4th editions). You can navigate through the categories above to review powerpoints for class, past exam questions, additional photos for each chapter, and links to author profiles, data, and other resources.

If you are interested in assigning this textbook in your course and have additional questions, please contact Dr. George W. Norton at gnorton@vt.edu.

The 3rd edition has been available since January 2015. The 4th edition is forthcoming for courses beginning in August 2021.

Available now – purchase online!

Overview: Economics of Agricultural Development examines causes, severity, and effects of poverty, population growth, and malnutrition in developing countries. It discusses potential solutions to these problems, progress made in recent years, and implications of globalization for agriculture, poverty, and the environment.

© George W Norton, Jeffrey Alwang, and William A. Masters

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